Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm Feeling Morally Ambivalent

I hate children. Many of you may know this. I don't really think they're people, they scare the shit out of me, and in general I resent having them in the same places that I am. If anyone has venture capital in this economy, I'd like to start a chain of restaurants, hotels, airlines, etc. that are over 21 only.

That being the case, I've been known to bitch loudly when a child is making noise in what I would consider "grown up space." This is everything from the metro at rush hour to restaurants to nice stores. I just think that really you shouldn't be bringing your kid there. Make alternate arrangements. Watch the Sex and the City episode entitled "A Woman's Right to Shoes." Having kids is your choice...just don't force your bad decision on me.

That being said, I try pretty hard not to hit children--particularly other people's children. And so far I've succeeded. Somehow even the little devil on my shoulder thinks that seems wrong. But alas, not this gent from near where I grew up. I have some sympathy for him--crying kids and the parents who do nothing about it are fucking annoying. On the other hand, he looks like the meanest man ever. And it might be kind of wrong.

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