Wednesday, February 3, 2010

We Clearly Can't Handle Snow

DC got another 2-4 inches last night, which is just salt in the wound that's still open from the epic pre-Christmas storm. I realize this is nothing to you mid-west and Boston kids, but this just doesn't happen to us, especially with another potentially big snow storm heading our way this weekend.

I get it Obama, you're from Chicago and you're not going to shut down the federal government (which all of the local businesses generally follow) for a couple measly inches (and the one damn thing metro manages to do really well is keep running in the snow, grrrrr), but we occasional snow kids get a little giddy when the white stuff just keeps coming (yes, still discussing precipitation.)

First there was the idiot cop who pulled his gun on the good folks participating in an organized snowball fight here in D.C. Then this morning, I read about the lovely lady up in Pennsylvania who is being charged for throwing a snowball at a city bus driver for not letting her board with an expired bus pass.

City officials and citizens alike, we just can't handle the snow. It makes us crazy. Just let us stay home.

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