Friday, July 24, 2009

A Plea to Individuals Intending to Commit Suicide on the Metro...

Don't be a douche bag.

Really? We don't have enough problems with the recent crash and circuit issues? Really? You thought the best way to express your depression was to throw yourself in front of an on-coming train on a Friday afternoon when those of us who still have the will to get up and go to our jobs just want to get home or out of town? When you planned this suicide, did you actively think of how to do it so that you inconvenienced and emotionally scarred as many people as possible?

Apparently this is a thing. What's worse, it's an ineffective thing. That article cites 15 attempts since 2007, with only seven being successful. I know of two more since then, including today, and I don't know what happened with the first, but the dude today was "rescued."

If you want to off yourself, far be it from me to stop you. I have one friend who whines all the time and if you'd rather kill yourself than make someone listen to you, I call that considerate...unless you go and do it in the world's most inconsiderate way. And if you are going to be the d-bag that disrupts Friday rush hour, wouldn't you like to kill yourself in a way that actually gets the job done? I can't imagine you're in great shape after being hit by a metro train, "rescued" or not. Do you really want to wake up in a hospital bed feeling like you got run over by a train with an entire city annoyed with you? Can I offer you a shot gun?


  1. Elle -

    Several things:

    First, suicide is a sad, demoralizing thing that leaves behind hurt and confusion for friends and family members (I've been there on several occasions). Suicide attempts in public arenas are generally a way of getting attention.

    Second, I'm sure you remember from your time spent here in the Bay that people would occasionally throw themselves in front of BART trains in an effort to end their lives. These people differ from your 40-year-old virgin that got stuck under the train (I'm assuming he's a virgin because that is the ONLY acceptable reason for an able-bodied/healthy person in their 40's to kill his or herself) in that they 1) don't generally do this during rush hour times and 2) are usually successful.

    Third, we DO share your problem of "assholes who feel the need to fuck up everyone else's day while killing themselves" when it comes to our bridges. If one more little shit-head decides that he/she is going to stop traffic in both directions on the Golden Gate Bridge in order to get attention for their little suicide charade, I will seriously contemplate pushing them in myself. You and I have a mutual friend who occasionally responds to an idiotic person on TV with the adorable phrase, "seriously, just kill yourself." If I ever get stuck on the bridge with one of these fuckers I'm going to grab the bullhorn from my trunk and start yelling this phrase at them along with the words "Do it!" and "Jump!" until they comply.

    Fourth, its actually quite difficult to off yourself with a shot gun. Hand them a 10mm Glock. That shit will get the job done.


    P.S. Apologies for the length of this post - I really only meant for it to be a short comment but you've apparently hit on an issue that gets my rage meter up. Kudos.
